Website dedicated to foreign people visiting Miyako and those living in Miyako Miyako International Association

Living information

Living information

Please refer to the website of Iwate International Association for the information about the requirements to drive a car in Japan, and about other useful information to live in Iwate Prefecture.

Information for Foreigners - Living Information (website of Iwate International Association) 

Useful information to live in Miyako:

Miyako City Garbage Collection Calendar 2024-2025

How to separate and dispose of wastes

How to dispose of PCs and TVs

Miyako City Integrated Disaster Prevention Hazard Map 

“Safety tips”: an app which provides disaster, climate and civil protection information

Disaster Prevention Guide For Foreigners

If you find it difficult to know how to separate wastes, please feel free to ask us by e-mail ( or by phone (0193-62-3534). We'll do our best to help you.

Official Facebook site of Miyako International Association