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Event Information

1st Strategic Seminar to Increase the Number of Foreign Tourists to Miyako

The first strategic seminar to increase the number of foreign tourists to Miyako was held in the main conference room of the city office, on August 21. About 100 people joined the seminar.

We invited Mr. Toshihiro Ozawa, general manager of TIC TOKYO, and Ms. Wu Huimin, specialist of Iwate International Association, as our guest lecturers. They told us about the current situation of foreign tourists visiting Japan and Iwate.

Mr. Ozawa is working for TIC TOKYO, which is one of the most visited tourist information centers by foreign toursits. He gave us concrete suggestions obrained through his long experience of receiving many foreign tourists. His lecture talk was so helpful for us to deal with the increasing number of foreign tourists.

Ms. Wu Huimin talked about the current situation of receiving foreign tourists in Iwate Prefecture and about statistics of the number of incoming tourists. The number of foreign tourists visiting Iwate is not large for the moment, but we realized from her talk what issues we should work on to attract more foreign tourists.

The second seminar will be held in November. We'll let you know once the details are set.

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Miyako International Association
1-1-80 Miyamachi, Miyako, 027-0052 Iwate, Japan