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About Us

About Miyako International Association

Miyako International Association was established on July 26, 2016, with the underlying goal of making our Miyako City more attractive and open to international community, by promoting extensive international communications and activities for international understanding based on the benefit of nature, history, culture, industry, education, and medical care in Miyako City, and by providing support to foreign residents in the city.

Our activities are focused on the following:

  1. Plan and promote businesses for international communications
  2. Plan and hold language courses, workshops, and seminars regarding international understanding
  3. Cooperate and exchange information with other international associations
  4. Cultivate human resources for international communications and understanding
  5. Collect information regarding international communications and understanding and provide it to citizens
  6. Research and study regarding international communications and understanding
  7. Give support to the foreign residents in the city and provide information to them
  8. Give support to the activities to attract foreign tourists and transmit information to them
  9. The other activities necessary to achieve the object
Title Miyako International Association
Established July 26, 2016
Representative Yasubumi Goto, Chairman
Address 1-1-80 Miyamachi, Miyako, 027-0052 Iwate, Japan
TEL +81-(0)193-62-3534
FAX +81-(0)193-62-7030
MAIL info@miyako-kokusai.com
URL www.miyako-kokusai.com
FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/miyako.international/

Miyako International Association Facebook Official site